Magazine research

I like the layout of this Vogue magazine cover because i think that the colour scheme compliments and highlights the model's eye's. The standard title at the very top of the page shows what magazine you are looking at and the plain big writing stands out and is easy to read unlike some titles or texts that you see in magazines. The information on the left hand side makes the photograph of the model stand out and catch your eye. The plain black font appeals tome because if it was different colours or fancier then it would make the page confusing and not as formal, especially for the target audience in which the Vogue magazine is aimed at. Also how the text is different sizes, small and large, makes the most important words stand out compared to the smaller less important words and phrases.

I like the way that this Cosmopolitan magazine slightly hides the title with Jessica Alba staring on the front page, this could suggest that everybody knows about this magazine or the people who buy it, buy it regulary so they know the title. The colour scheme is pinks, but black and white has been used on top of the pinks so that the text stands out. The pink colour scheme could suggest that the main target audience is women because it is more of a feminin colour. Alot of the text has been made bold so that that certain piece of text stands out from the rest of the text that is not so important. The main photograph of Jessica Alba is the thing that attracted me the most to thing magazine front cover because of the bright outburst of colour that her skin is contrasts against the subtle background of baby pink.

I decided that the two previous magazines that i analysed were quite similar and didn't go into much detail, therefore, i extended my knowledge and research into magazines and analysed two more magazines that were completely different to the others and each other. I then reviewed and evaluated the magazines 'Country life' and 'NME'. Country life is a magazine focused on houses in Essex and advertises houses for sale, soft furnishings, bath rooms and kitchens. The 'NME' magazine is a popular music publication in the United Kingdom and includes music news, reviews, festivals, concerts, tickets, charts, tours and clubs. Both are analysed below.

These four magazine cover's are all very different in terms of appearance. 'Vogue' has an image of a zoomed in woman's face, similar to 'NME' but the model is male slightly more of his body is included, whereas 'Cosmopolitan' is a much longer short including the tops of the model's legs. 'Country life' is completely the individual compared to the other three magazines as the photograph on the front, as the background in this case, does not include a person but a house in the country side. This magazine cover is also very different because the actual image has been used as a background for the cover. The other's have got plain backgrounds around the model's and are not busy like Country life which has the house surrounded by plants and greenery. Another reason why 'Country life' appears different compared to the others is because the text on the cover has been laid out completely different. 'Cosmopolitan' and 'NME' both have captions around the main image, 'Vogue' has their captions to the left of the image and 'Country life' has only a few which are placed below the main focus of the image (the house). The caption is almost simply displayed as a small sentence. In most professional magazines they use three main colours and stick to them otherwise the covers look unprofessional and inexperienced. 'NME' and 'Country life' have used the same three main colours; red, black and white. Which shows that for each type of magazine there is no specific colours that are used its just what suit the author and what they think the audience will like. This is proven because 'NME' is a music magazine and 'Country life' is a country-side housing, in which neither of them have connections. 'Vogue' and 'Cosmopolitan' are both similar types of magazines, and both look into fashion, but have opposite colour themes; 'Vogue' with blue, black and creams. And 'Cosmopolitan' with pink, black and white.