School magazine names

I have come up with 3 potential names for my school magazine and connotations of them.

Choice one:
Sexformers - Playing with words; 'sixthformers'. I chose 'sex' instead of 'sixth' because it represents adolescent, young adults and sixthform students are of there age where 'sex' is regularly spoken about. I thought the two words 'sex' and 'formers' flowed quite well together as one word. Another thing that i thought linked to this potential magazine name was the word 'transformers' because sixthform is the transformation from kids into young adults, it is a new stage of life.

Choice two:
Sixducation - The 'ducation' part represents 'education' which is the main aim of sixthform, learning and being educated. I put the two words together 'six' and 'education' to make the name sound professional but i took away the 'e' from 'education' because it makes it flow better and sounds more intriguing. This name is similar to 'sex education'.

Choice three:
6uccess - I thought that this name was relevent to sixthform because the '6' acts a an 's' so therefore the name would be 'success' which is important for sixthform because you need to be successful in school to get into sixthform, and then you need to be successful in sixthform to get into university, college or the job that you wish to do. I used '6' instead of 's' because the magazine is mainly aimed at sixthform students.