Preliminary Task

We have been given the task to design and create a front cover for a school magazine, featuring a masthead, main photograph involving a student and appropriately laid out text.

Points to consider
I decided that i would like to aim my school magazine at students the same sort of age as myself, 16, 17 and 18 year olds - sixthformers.
I chose '6uccess' for my magazine name because out of my other potential names it was most appropriate because that is the main aim of sixthformers. Another reason was that using '6' instead of 's' made it look effective.
I'd show a main big image of one sixthformer carrying a pile of books, i thought this was a good idea because it linked to the name of my magazine '6uccess'. And also relates to one of my main topic's which is about university because piles of books is stereotyped at university and students carrying around loads of books. (That was my original idea, but I then decided that even though this was mean't to be a school magazine about focusing on studying, I realised that school is not entirely about studying, but also other aspects, for example having fun, meeting new people, making friends, bonding, and learning about the world around us. Therefore I changed my idea which Is shown on my flat plan to a photograph of two of my friends laughing, but showing them in smart clothes so they don't look casual and hints at the school magazine genre).
I am also going to include small text hinting on news and information that will be in the magazine so it grabs the reader and makes them want to read to stories inside. At the bottom of the front cover i'd also like to include a hint about the competition and the prizes given to that it interests the audience.
In my contents page i shall include a list of the main events included in the magazine and the page number in which they are on so that if that is the only interest they have in the magazine they don't have to waste time looking at other stories that doesn't interest the audience. Also possibily a few picture on some of them events if relevent. A breif synopsis of the contents of the magazine and what's going on this month!