Questionnaire evaluation

We was asked to make a suitable questionnaire to find out what the audience of my new school magazine wanted to see inside the magazine and to get some ideas as to what they was interested in. The audience for my magazine was sixthformers, so i handed out twenty questionnaires, all to sixthformers. When i got them back i analysed them to get a good idea on what i would include and what the target audience was interested in. Here is what i found out:

From question 1- The most popular type of news that the students answered that they wanted to see in their magazine was 'general news'. This is a wide idea so i am able to include lots of stories and everything that i think is neccessary.

From question 2- This question has a big connection to the first one, but i gathered a few different suggestions of what people would also like to see in the magazine that i hadn't included on the first question. I found out from the feedback that information about university would be helpful to sixthformers. Horoscopes was a popular idea which ovbiously interests this age group and you see these in professional magazines but not school magazines, so this could be different and interest people.

From question 3- I didn't find this question very useful to gather information from. Being a sixthform student myself i think that the only answer from somebody that i had a connection with was an answer saying 'having a student carpark'. I think that this would be great because then students, sixthformers would be able to drive to school and feel more independant.

From question 4- This question wasn't very constructive because the information that i got from it wouldn't have any impact on my actual school magazine but helped me to build an idea of what interests students in this age group.

From question 5- I got the same conclusion from this question as i did from question 4 it effective into finding out what i could include into my magazine but again helped me investigate my audience.

From question 6- I recieved the same answer back from every questionaire that i got back, so in i am going to include an interview from a student regarding something that people will be interested in.

From question 7 and 9- I found out that most people of this age group buy magazines monthly, so linking to question 9 i think that this school magazine should be issued monthly.

From question 8- After getting the information back, i decided that this question wasn't very successful as everyone put 'a student', which was an ovbious answer and this is what the main image was mean't to be of.

From question 10- I recieved a variety of different answers from this question, so i have got many different ideas to choose from which will appeal to sixthformers because it is what they have suggested.

Overall most of my questions was successful as i gathered valid and useful information from and got a good idea about my audience. A few questions wasn't so successful so i can almost disregard them.