Lap Chart

Charlotte Holland

BCHS Media Learning and Assessment Progress (LAP Chart)

Tasks and Objectives:

1. Everyone got given a media handout book/pack, Had to read through it.

2. Spider diagram of specific requirements of a school magazine.

3. Make a blog on and try it out to get used to it.

4. Test out the design and templates on my blog, change background and choose colours and fonts.

5. Potential names and Page 3 Preliminary task.

6. Questionnaire and feedback.

7. Flat plan.

8. Front Cover

9. Contents page

10. Music magazine presentation

11. Genres

12. Masthead names




Stage of Completion (date):

1. That lesson.

2. 13th September.

3. 14th September.

4. 15th September.

5. 19th September.

6. 19th September.

7. 19th September.

8. 3rd October.

9. 14th October.

10. 17th October.

11. 30th October.

12. 30th October.




Self assessment, peer assessment (name of peer and comments how to improve and what is well done) And/or teacher assessment:

1. ---

2. Self assessment - I gathered loads of points on what a magazine should include and extra information about them, to inprove I could now go back and add more from what i have found out.

3. Self assessment - I have created my blog and have tried out many things on blogger like creating a blog, designing my blog (background, fonts, colours, templating). I need to learn how to create a label.

4. Self assessment - I kept the template the same because I thought that it was appropriate, I changed the background to a pattern that I like.

5. Self assessment - I feel that i have answered the questions well, in a suitable amount of detail and have learnt from doing this task.

6. Self assessment - By doing my questionnaire and recieving them back from my target audience i have learn't that I should make my questions more specific next time to get a better idea on what my target audience want in the magazine.

7. Peer assessment - Sophie Jones - Said that she feels that my flat plan went really well, but the picture on the front should of been of a person and my colours should be more bland because of my target audience.

8. Teacher assessment - Ms Shuttle - Said that my photograph on the front page dominates the page - the title looks quite minor compared to it. In my future magazine - music for example - I should make the title stand out more by making it bigger and bolder. I could include more coverlines and also have them overlapping the main photograph like regular magazines. Another thing that I should consider is that my models should be looking at the camera especially as the main picture on the front cover. I will take on this advise for my music magazine.

9. Self assessment - When looking back over my contents page I found that it wasn't every eye-catching or appealing, it felt boring and had a lack of colour. I think this is because the background was very plain and there was only two pictures included. I think that the title for the contents page is very bland as it is white, for my music magazine I will spend more time in jazzing up my font and titles.

10. I got lots of different feedback from the class and one of my teachers - Mrs Brookes, which included what I done well and what could be improved.

11. This was only a simple task, It included many different types of genres, so that I could then choose one to focus on for my music magazine, I chose Hip-Hop and R'n'B.

12. I was told that my prezi included very detailed information about magazine names and good analysis but there was too many clicks involved, especially where they were not needed - for example on arrows. This wastes some time for the viewer which might make them feel bored.




Improvement and analysis (how have you taken those comments on board and improved):

1. ---

2. I have now added a few more things that I recently found out that could be included in a magazine (Horoscrope, issue date, slogan).

3. I created a label and now will continue creating labels on all of my blogs so they are easier and more straight forward to find.

4. ---

5. ---

6. Next time, for my music magazine questionnaire I should determine my target audience then have more questions.

7. I took on board the feedback and changed a few things for my actual finished school magazine front cover, by sticking to 3 more plain colours (red, black and white) and also used a picture of two students in my media class.



10. I learn't that when I am talking about a front cover or what the subject is focused on I should include a picture so that it's more clear as to what I am saying about the piece.

11. ---

12. When I next create a prezi I will not make the path as long and pointless as this one is at the moment. Do not create a path/click on arrows. So therefore it will keep the reader interested and more involved.




Final analysis:

1. I learn't more about what is included in magazines and about this media course I am doing.

2. I now have a very good idea of what I can include in my magazine and also what makes it look professional.

3. I found out labels are very useful to use, especially for myself and people marking my work, as it is more convinient.

4. I made my blog more interesting and colourful so that people would be more interested into reading it.

5. The way in which both of these tasks weren't very interesting, but was quite simple and included the relevant information.

6. I decided that I didn't recieve enough feedback from my questionnaire, so therefore if I publish another one - I should share it more to get a variety of opinions.










Evaluation of music magazine presentation 4/11/2011

From doing detailed research into the music magazine that i chose, XXL, It has enhanced my knowledge of magazines.